Maketoys RM01 Cupola Review (Masterpiece Chromedome)

maketoys cupola review

The third party trend for weird names continues, this time with Maketoys Cup holder. Cuckold. Cupola...even.

According to Radio Free Cybertron it means "Dome" which is an interesting a way of getting around not actually being able to call him Chromedome for fear of Hasbros dusty legal hammer (seriously, at this point third party companies may as just well call them their legit names and whack the badges on there).

This is my first Maketoys product, as their other offerings have been a bit too stylised for my tastes and have not floated my boat. But this, as a childhood fan of the original Chromedome toy, I saw this and knew like Wayne Campbell, that she will be mine.
Or he.

Here we have their first figure in their RE:Master series, which is effectively them hoping onto the Transformers Masterpiece bandwagon and making themselves comfortable.

Click below to see if Maketoys Cupola lives up to the considerable hype

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