Transformers MP-23 Masterpiece Exhaust Review

Masterpiece MP-23 Exhaust

Probably the most obscure Transformers character I have ever dipped into my wallet to purchase, Exhaust is a repaint of Masterpiece Wheeljack.

This time we have something a little bit more special though, as Masterpiece Exhaust is modern update of a Diaclone figure, based on the Marlboro version of the Lancia - previously know as "Marlboor" in Transformers fandom.

Exhaust has had a bit of rough time, with Phillip Morris Tobacco Company shutting down all sales by retailers outside of Japan, so it is quite lucky that I ordered mine from a Japanese store as soon as it was listed.

So now he has an official name, and a new toy which managed to avoid the clutches of the Tobacco industry - is it any good?

Hit the jump to behold the glory of Masterpiece MP023 Exhaust, or click here if you want a more in depth view review of the mold as Wheeljack

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