Mastermind Creations Tigris Review

Rampage vs Sideswipe

Time flies, when you are waiting for robotic Animals that not only turn into robots, but merge to form a gigantic robot.

I *think* the Feralcons were initially announced about two years ago. I know I got Bovis last November, which was already on the back of heavy delays with the set, and they were supposed to be released I think monthly after that.

So here we are in October 2014, and the final member of the main team has finally found his way to freedom from the factory. MMC named him Tigris, but most of us know him as Rampage the Generation 1 Predacon, and Predakings usual right arm.

MMC Tigris

Now that Tigris is finallyhere, is he as good as the other Feralcons? How did Feral Rex turn out?

Hit the jump to find out.
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