Transformers Generations Blaster and Steeljaw Review

"There's no hope for him now, Travis. He's suffering. You know we've got to do it."

"Yes, Mama. But he was my dog. I'll do it."

I had no real interest in either of the data disc launching bots from the Generations Fall of Cybertron range. Deluxe Soundwave, from the previous game, already stands proudly on my shelf looking rather cool. A Blaster repaint was duly released, but it did not really catch my interest - I wanted a Boom Box Blaster, or at least something much different to a repainted Soundwave.
Blaster deserves that at least.

However, recently Amazon went price drop crazy, and Blaster appeared at only £11 or so shipped to the UK.

Even I with my legendary tightness (not that this probably conveys across on a blog where I show off my latest hideously expensive toys), I could not resist.

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