Masterpiece Lazerbeak, Buzzsaw, Ravage, Rumble and Frenzy Review

There was a funny thing that happened the other week, at my house. My girlfriends Brother and his Wife had come round to get some things out of the loft, including a large bag of cassette tapes. Going through them, their 4 year old child had absoloutely no concept of what they were or what they did.

That made me feel really old.

Of course, no one uses tapes any more as they are outdated in every sense, but it was strange to see how alien they are to kids now.

Though I would like to point out for the purposes of accuracy, that I know that Soundwave was a micro-cassette recorder, and the tapes of course, were micro-cassette tapes.
Despite in the cartoon being playerd almost exclusively as a normal sized tape player and tapes.

Scale and all that.

Originally, I planned to release Soundwave and his Tape Minions all as one set. But it became apparent quite early on, that I had far too much waffle to fit it all into one article.

So instead, I have split the review into two chunks. One reviewing Soundwave and his accessories (which can be found here) and then another focusing on the 5 Cassette minions he comes with.

There is so much to discuss, and if you wish to know more - hit the button below to see the review

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