Transformers Generations Voyager Sandstorm Review

"When the smoke clear's - I've cleared out!"

Well, after many week's I am back with a post. I have been to Spain, and since I have got back just been very busy with things going on. So I am hoping to get back posting a bit more regularly. Though it's not as if anyone is actually reading these blog posts.

I have just noticed, I have not posted an actual review of anything since August. There's a review of Masterpiece Soundwave and assorted Cassette minions that I have been meaning to finish since that figure first came out.

Need to get on that.

Anyway, Sandstorm, the G1 Triple Changer. As a kid, I remember wanting Sandstorm and seeing him in the old Toy Master store, in Broad Marsh Shopping Centre in Nottingham, for many week's during my Grans Saturday morning shopping trips - which I was always dragged along to. But hey, I always got toys. Sandstorm though, for some reason eluded me for weeks until my gran finally gave in and took me to buy him...only I chose something else. I cant even remember what toy I chose instead, but its one of those memories burned into my mind.
So Sandstorm is a 25 year or so itch I have yet to scratch. May have to rectify that with some EBay stalking this week.

But last week, I finally gave in and ordered Generations Voyager Class Sandstorm from Kapow Toys and he turned up promptly. I have wanted this figure for ages, but have just not gotten round to buying him. Mainly because I already own one version of the mold in Springer, and I tend to want to buy new things first. But when I saw him in the sale, he became a must buy.

I am very relieved I did as well...

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